While female biologic clock is generally accepted as a fact that cannot be changed, egg freezing is a relatively new IVF approach that helps to give women an option to freeze their eggs while they have good ovarian reserve and eggs are of good quality and possibly use them later in advanced age.
According to The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) oocyte freezing is a standard and safe procedure. ASRM issued a new report on 22 October, 2012 stating that in young patients egg freezing techniques have been shown to produce pregnancy rates, leading to the birth of healthy babies, comparable to IVF cycles using fresh eggs.
However marketing this technology for the purpose of deferring childbearing may give women false hope and encourage women to delay childbearing.
Meenakshi Oocyte Vitrication Programme:
Oocyte freezing has a learning curve for embryologists.Today, our embryologists can cryopreserve it easily, and with 99% survival rate using the Cryotec vitrification technique.
Meenakshi offers this programme at a very economic package. We have achieved excellent survival rates, embryo development and pregnancy rates comparable with the fresh donor oocytes.
Whatever your reasons for wanting to delay childbearing, egg freezing can help you preserve your fertility for a future time. If you are considering delaying pregnancy, it's important to contact a fertility clinic as soon as possible to discuss your options.